Posts Tagged

background check

Career Advice

A news story from WHNT NEWS in Huntsville, Alabama exposed how people in high positions in the military and missile defense have purchased their degree without spending all the time, energy and money – at a diploma mill, where no classes and no course work are necessary…just cash. The story

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Career AdviceCybersecurityObtaining Security Clearance

Worried about being denied a security clearance because of bad credit? Considering a credit repair company to fix your credit report? In an AARP Bulletin Today Scam Alert article, Credit Repair’s Dirty Business, Steven Baker of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was quoted as saying, In the last year, we’ve

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An April 10, 2009 article in CQ Politics highlights John Sullivan, who spent three decades as a CIA polygrapher giving polygraph tests to CIA employees. When he sought a renewal of his CIA security clearance for a post-retirement job – He was turned down. Sullivan had just written Gatekeeper: Memoirs

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Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

An April 9, 2009 article in the Washington Post reports that six investigators conducting security-clearance checks for the federal government have been accused of lying to the OPM in the reports they submitted. “The investigators lied about interviews they never conducted because they were overworked, cutting corners, trying to impress

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