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Security Clearance Process

One of the first security clearance appeal cases in 2023 for the Department of Energy (DOE) involved issues and concerns under sexual behavior, personal conduct, drug involvement, psychological conditions, and criminal conduct. The DOE contractor was issued a Letter of Interrogatory and his subsequent response did not mitigate the concerns.

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Security Clearance Denial

There are some security clearance appeals where you just gotta shake your head and wonder “what was this person thinking trying to apply for a cleared position?”. This particular Department of Energy (DOE) contractor appeal case is one of those. It goes to show that there are some people out

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Security Clearance Denial

Security clearance holders receive an initial security briefing and subsequent annual briefings that provide them information on their responsibilities, what kind of things they should avoid, and what they are required to report. It is well known that marijuana, as well as CBD and THC extracts, are off limits for

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Security Clearance Denial

Time and again I read stories about how a security clearance holder meets someone on a dating site, becomes smitten without even meeting in person, and then starts doing very foolish things like sending money or opening up new bank accounts for wire transfers from the person to move to

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