Your Background Investigation is Done: Now What?
Once all of the investigative requirements for your background investigation have been completed it is sent to the DOD Central Adjudication Facility (CAF), if you work for a DOD component, or to the federal agency’s CAF that requested your investigation. For DOD personnel and contractors your case is assigned to
Security Clearance Investigations in the Hot Seat
This week the Department of Justice filed a new complaint against security clearance investigation firm USIS. The filing accuses the company of filing incomplete investigations approximately 40 percent of the time, at least 665,000 cases. USIS has been under fire in recent months, as congress steps up efforts to reform
How to Complete Your SF-86
This article is not designed to be an item-by-item instruction manual for completing the Standard Form 86 (SF 86)/electronic Questionnaire for Investigation Processing (eQIP), but I hope to provide general information about completing the form and where to get help if you need it.
It's Not Just an Investigation, It's Adjudication
The background investigation for defense contractor Edward Snowden was inefficient in several areas, according to a recent review. National Counterintelligence Executive Frank Montoya Jr. led the review of Snowden’s 2011 investigation. He found too few people were interviewed and issues that were presented weren’t pursued, according to documents obtained by the Wall