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Security Clearance Denial

Reasons why security clearance applications are rejected.

Security Clearance Denial

In the national security world, ignorance or mistake of law is generally not an excuse for failing to abide by legal obligations. This opinion has been established long ago by appeals board judges in upholding security clearance denials. There are various adjudicative guidelines where claiming ignorance of the rules or

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Security Clearance Denial

The year has passed and with all of the changes in the background investigation and security clearance realm it seems apt to label 2019 as the year of clearance and investigation reform.

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Security Clearance Denial

There are two topics during background investigation processing that cause the most problems for applicants: failure to disclose criminal history and how you left a previous employment. The Standard Form 85, 85-P or 86 (used for all investigation levels also require submission of the OF-306 (Declaration for Federal Employment). There

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Security Clearance Denial

Strength of character, trustworthiness, reliability, honesty, and sound judgement are the traits and characteristics employers want from their workers. The same goes for determining whether to grant someone access to classified national security information. So how does your behavior at work relate to whether you are granted a security clearance?

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