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Security Clearance Process

Security Clearance Process

The Senate recently passed a bill called the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 with an intent to provide exclusivity, consistency, and transparency in security clearance procedures for Intelligence Community agencies with the right of government employees to appeal unfavorable eligibility determinations to an agency-level panel. This higher level

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Security Clearance Process

We have heard a lot about Continuous Evaluation (CE) and Continuous Vetting (CV) and many get confused with the terminology, mistakenly using them interchangeably. However, CE and CV are not the same thing and have key differences. CE is the vetting process that reviews the background of individuals who hold

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Security Clearance Process

For the last three years the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Defense Counterintelligence Agency (DCSA) have put periodic reinvestigations (PR) on hold in order to reduce the huge investigation backlog. Now that the backlog is down to a steady state flow, DCSA is now starting to focus on cleaning up

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Security Clearance Process

In the security clearance world we all know reporting adverse information or suspicious behavior for clearance holders is a requirement, but does it happen? Based on my own experience I would say the odds are 50-50 depending on who is involved and the potential impact. A recent study conducted by

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