Department of Homeland Security Jobs

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is one of the biggest government civil service and contractor employers after the DoD. Many of the jobs offered by the various DHS components require eligibility for either public trust or national security positions. I compiled a list of the various sites that describe the careers offered and what their background investigation processes are (if available):
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection Careers and Background Investigation FAQs
- Federal Emergency Management Agency Careers
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Service Careers
- U.S. Coast Guard Civilian Careers
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Careers
- Transportation Security Administration Careers
- U.S. Secret Service Careers and Hiring Process
- Science & Technology Directorate Careers
- National Protection & Programs Directorate Missions
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Missions
- Office of Health Affairs Missions
- Office of Intelligence & Analysis Missions
- Office of Policy Missions
Now, take a moment and think about the hundreds of companies whose contractors support these components………we are talking in the hundreds of thousands. The best way to get a job as a Federal employee is to work as a contractor supporting a specific agency mission and proving yourself proficient, knowledgeable and trustworthy. Throw in an added sprinkle on top as being one who has already been granted a security clearance or public trust eligibility and you are now highly competitive for the thousands of Federal jobs advertised on USAJOBS, if that is your end goal. Of course (and you knew I was going to say this), the best place to look for cleared contractor jobs is on
DHS seems to have jumped on the polygraph bandwagon in a big way. I suppose they have their own polygraphers? Someone said the Defense polygraph school is now the National polygraph school… does this mean unified standards and practices? Not to mention accepting each others poly results?