ODNI Releases Revised SEAD-2 (Use of Polygraph)

Last month the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a revised Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 2: Use of Polygraph in Support of Personnel Security Determinations for Initial or Continued Eligibility for Access to Classified Information or Eligibility to Hold a Sensitive Position. SEAD-2 provides policy guidance for agencies who use Counterintelligence Scope Polygraphs (CSP) and Extended Scope Polygraphs (ESP) in personnel security determinations. There is also a Specific Issue Polygraph (SIP) used when an individual issue of adjudicative concern (e.g., espionage, criminal conduct, leak of classified information) arises and more information is needed.
Many on the ClearanceJobs Blog site have commented on their own experiences with the polygraph process and how frustrating and confusing it is. Some of the more popular complaints or observations are:
– Examiner bias before the polygraph even starts
– CIA polygraph examiners are notorious for making baseless accusations or calling you a liar
– Having to take multiple polygraphs for different agencies
– Inconclusive results lay dormant with no definitive determination made
– Getting asked “gotcha” questions like how many times they’ve driven “drunk” without being caught by police
A very useful article written by Mr. William Henderson for the ClearanceJobs.com news site provides the good, the bad, and the ugly on polygraphs and why they are still prevalently used by the Intelligence Community agencies. If you anticipate finding yourself strapped to the chair hooked up with wires, take a read on his article on how to better prepare yourself on what to avoid, or learn more about the questions you may be asked here.