Security Clearance news

What are DOE “Q” or “L” Clearances?
The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 gives the Department of Energy (DOE) the authority and responsibility for all nuclear energy information for the United States Government. The DOE grants “Q” or “L” access authorizations allowing individuals access to classified material when required by his or her official duties, or when
The United Kingdom Security Clearance Vetting Process
The United Kingdom, one of our closest allies, conducts security vetting much in the same way as the U.S. does in granting security clearances, but there are some differences in terminology and level of inquiries. The Defense Business Services (DBS) National Security Vetting (NSV) branch is their equivalent of our
Yet you just proved my point again and reemphasized your prior name calling without any proof, evidence, or rational thought against me which is a true characteristic of a leftist…
We both know you’re not interested in proof, evidence, or rational thought. We both know what you are
I have no problem with diversity but it needs to be based upon merit and effort. The military and government should prioritize competence, experience, and leadership ability, not personal characteristics…
I’m not sure you understand the concept of diversity. It’s not just skin color or race. It is about fairness. The military only became mixed and representative of this country…