Security Clearance news
Licking Food Leads to Battery Charges and Clearance Revocation
A recent news story from New Mexico highlights the seriousness of conduct that is directed towards law enforcement officials. According to an article filed by Reuters, Yolanda Arguello, a kitchen employee working as a contractor for the New Mexico Department of Corrections licked the cheese on sandwiches and sucked on ice
Handling Protected Information and Social Media Hazards for Cleared Professionals
When discussing security clearances and one’s responsibilities, most associate it with handling and protecting classified national security information. However, often overlooked is the fact that handling and preventing unauthorized disclosure of other types of protected information is just as important. These may include: For Official Use Only; Sensitive But Unclassified;
Any ideas when we can expect to hear something? I passed my poly a while back and have been waiting since. Obviously adjudication is a wildcard in terms of duration…
Hi RandomMan, Could you kindly share your timeline from CJO to completing everything? I Received my CJO in May, submitted my SF-86 in July and non of my contacts have…
Early January 2024 - CJO and SF-86 submitted Mid February 2024 - SF-86 approved Few days later - Credit pulled End of April 2024 - Interview with Investigator, references starting…
Thank you for the breakdown