OPM Inserts IT Security Incident Clause into Investigations Contracts
In quite the ironic twist, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has updated all of their contracts with background investigation service providers by inserting or replacing previous clause that address information security incident reporting requirements. A news story posted by NextGov outlined some of the new requirements inserted into OPM
The MAX Federal Community: What is it?
Unless you have been hiding under a rock in the caves of Afghanistan over the past two years, you may have heard of the Federal Government’s push to lock down and secure access to IT systems and applications. The impetus behind this was a mandate from the Office of Management and Budget
Essential Qualities for a Successful Cyber Intelligence Analyst
It is no wonder that cyber-related jobs are among the fastest growing careers fields in this day and age. Technology drives everything we do and in order to gain the advantage over competitors and potential enemies we have to be able to not only operate in the cyber-world, but have
The Perfect Storm: OPM e-QIP Shutdown vs OMB Smartcard Requirements
Last week the Office of Personnel Management made a decision to shut down the e-QIP application used to process 90% of Federal government background investigations for 4-6 weeks. At the same time, due to the data breach which allowed hackers access to OPM investigative records through a laptop that was