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Obtaining Security Clearance

Many young people experiment with illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine while in high school and college. Peer pressure and lack of maturity are two reasons for this. Foe security clearance applicants that counts in your favor as social environment and age at the time of use could help

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Obtaining Security Clearance

With an increase in the number of states who have either legalized marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, or have decriminalized it, we have also seen an uptick in the number of security clearance applicants who admit to using it as recently as the day before submitting their SF-86. Most

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Security Clearance Process

The security clearance appeal process is where an individual is allowed to present their case via document response or in person with counsel if they choose, along with other witnesses and exhibits. Pre-pandemic, almost all federal agencies held security clearance appeal proceedings in person. The Defense Office of Hearings and

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Security Clearance Denial

Financial considerations continue to be the top issue in the denial of eligibility for a security clearance. I have noticed a few recent appeals to the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) where clearance applicants are using the President’s decision to hold student loan payments in abeyance as an excuse when submitting their

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