Posts Tagged

federal investigative services

Security Clearance Process

Six weeks have passed since the “grand opening” of the new National Background Investigations Bureau that took over from OPM’s Federal Investigative Services, but not a whole lot has changed on the surface except for the new name. In fact, when you compare OPM’s old FIS website to the new NBIB website, it

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Background InvestigationsCybersecurity

In quite the ironic twist, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has updated all of their contracts with background investigation service providers by inserting or replacing previous clause that address information security incident reporting requirements. A news story posted by NextGov outlined some of the new requirements inserted into OPM

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Background Investigations

Could it be true? For years I have argued to anyone who would listen, that OPM should not have been given responsibility for national security background investigations. As a security professional in various roles over a number of years, I have seen how the government has allowed human resources managers

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Background Investigations

Late last Fall the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) implemented the first 2 tiers of the new 5-tier background investigation process that was approved through collaboration between OPM and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Although OPM did not send out an official notice to the field

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