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Security Clearance Process

Last month, bipartisan legislation was submitted in the House of Representatives that would prevent federal agencies from denying an applicant a job or security clearance based on their current or prior marijuana use. The bill would also give those previously denied jobs or a clearance a chance to appeal that

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Security Clearance Process teamed up with the Intelligence and National Security Foundation (INSF) to analyze why there is so much confusion among the younger population about drug use, specifically marijuana, and current government policies. Last month, they released a white paper, “(Uncleared) and Confused: Drug Use Confusion Trips Up Young People” that revealed 1

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Background Investigations

Not to sound like a broken record here, but it amazes me when people want to work for the federal government as a civilian employee or contractor, but haven’t figured out that marijuana use is illegal at the federal level regardless of whether it is legal in their state. This

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Security Clearance Denial

All clearance holders receive an initial security briefing thatincludes going over the proper handling and storage of classifieddocuments. This is a hot topic lately with the discovery of classifieddocuments at high level current and former political figures. I ranacross a case study from 2021 about a former U.S. Air Forcecontractor,

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