security clearance policy
Dual Citizenship Clearance Holders to get Foreign Passports Back
The Defense Security Service (DSS) is preparing to issue a new Industrial Security Letter (ISL) providing guidance for the implementation of Security Executive Agent (SecEA) Directive 4 (SEAD 4), “National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, signed last year by the Director of National Intelligence. Specifically, guidance is being provided regarding Guideline C:
Security Clearance Process is Back on GAO’s “High Risk List”
Back in 2005 the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) put the government-wide security clearance process on its “High Risk” list of federal areas in need of a desperate overhaul. It stayed on the list until 2011. Last week the GAO, foregoing the wait on its regularly scheduled update in early
Can Clearance Holders Travel to China?
Due to an increase in inquiries on this topic I felt the need to post some information about overseas travel for security clearance holders. This information is only intended to provide general guidelines and requirements. If you already have a security clearance or intend on applying for one, I advise
Security Clearance Continuous Evaluation Net Catches Some Bad Fish
For a long while now security clearance reform proponents have talked about using continuous evaluation processes in lieu of 5 or 10 year reinvestigations to find and weed out those clearance holders who might be less than worthy of having access to classified information. The Defense Security Service (DSS) recently