Trusted Workforce
Security Clearance Reform Going Into 2023
In 2022 we saw big changes in the way the government vets security clearance applicants and those already cleared. Reinvestigations are a thing of the past, replaced by continuous vetting or evaluation, and the previous five tier background investigation is now three tiers with the ability to move inter-changeably from nonsensitive to
New Background Investigation Tiers Are Coming
Security clearance reform has been the hot topic over the past few years with implementation of Continuous Evaluation (CE) and Continuous Vetting (CV) programs taking the place of periodic reinvestigations, and more recently, the impending roll out of Trusted Workforce 2.0. One of the more interesting changes coming down the pike will be
Deadline Looms for Agencies to Enroll Clearance Holders into Continuous Vetting
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued requirements for all Government agencies to enroll their security clearance holders into an initial continuous vetting program by September 30, 2021. This initial phase is designed to comply with future Trusted Workforce 2.0
Senate Bill Proposes Changes to IC Security Clearance Process and Trusted Workforce
The Senate recently passed a bill called the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 with an intent to provide exclusivity, consistency, and transparency in security clearance procedures for Intelligence Community agencies with the right of government employees to appeal unfavorable eligibility determinations to an agency-level panel. This higher level