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Background Investigations

Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

Unique on the web! Our ongoing series allows you to ask your most complex questions regaring security clearances and our regular contributors will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer. Do not include your own

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Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

In the May 26th edition of Washington Technology magazine, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) boasts that the average time to process a security clearance has dropped by 46%, from 250 days in 2005 to 136 days in 2008. You believe it? Questions: Is this for federal employees, contractors,

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Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

Ask your questions here regaring security clearances and our regular contributors will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer. Do not include your own name, email address, or other information that can identify you.

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Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

Ask your questions here regaring security clearances and our regular contributors will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer. Do not include your own name, email address, or other information that can identify you.

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