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Security Clearance Process

Security Clearance Process

All national security background investigations have required checks that must be completed in order for the investigation to meet federal investigative standards. One of the required checks is verifying claimed higher education transcripts and degrees. Prior to the existence of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) and its predecessor, the National

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Security Clearance Process

Contractor reporting requirements for unofficial foreign travel, as outlined in SEAD-3, were deferred until August 24, 2022 to ensure the completion of necessary revisions in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) for foreign travel reporting. DISS has finished the updates and now provides bulk upload capability for Facility Security Officers

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Security Clearance Process

Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 9 Whistleblower Protection: Appellate Review of Retaliation Regarding Security Clearances and Access Determinations was released by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) last week and establishes policy for the DNI appellate review process for employees who seek to appeal an adverse final agency determination with

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Security Clearance Process

Security clearance reform has been the hot topic over the past few years with implementation of Continuous Evaluation (CE)  and Continuous Vetting (CV) programs taking the place of periodic reinvestigations, and more recently, the impending roll out of Trusted Workforce 2.0. One of the more interesting changes coming down the pike will be

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