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Security Clearance Process

Security Clearance Process

In total, 37 states have now legalized medical or recreational marijuana use and others have changed laws to decriminalize use or possession. However, under federal law, security clearance applicants and holders must still refrain from any use involving cannabis. This also applies to those who are thinking about investing in stocks or

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Security Clearance Process

The filing deadline to submit 2021 tax returns or an extension to file and pay tax owed was April 18, 2022 for most taxpayers. Taxpayers granted an extension will have until October 17, 2022 to file. It is well established that financial issues are the number one reason for a security clearance denial.

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Security Clearance Process

Much has been written in blog posts and articles about national security positions within the Intelligence Community and DoD components that require a polygraph, but not many have touched on another requirement some positions may also require, and that is the Financial Disclosure Report (Standard Form 714). This lengthy four-page report

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Security Clearance Process

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is the government agency in charge of ensuring the safe use of radioactive materials used to benefit civilization, e.g., nuclear power plants. As you might imagine, the NRC Personnel Security Program runs a tight ship to ensure its’ cleared employees, contractors, and licensees are

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