
DOD CAF Releases 2020 Annual Report

The Department of Defense (DOD) Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) published its first annual report since becoming a part of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). The report outlines achievements and new initiatives in background investigation processing and adjudication. Here are a few highlights:

–          Implemented multiple Lean Six Sigma efforts to improve effectiveness and efficiency of adjudicative processes

–          Created a new business process to streamline and improve reciprocity case timeliness from 6.5 days to 2 days or less once fully implemented in the 2nd Quarter of FY 2021

–          Developed an Adjudicator Training Plan to improve quality and consistency of adjudicative decisions

–          Launched an outreach campaign designed to destigmatize mental health issues to encourage those who need help to seek it

–          Recognized by the Yankee White Presidential Support Program for outstanding services to the White House Communications Agency

–          Reviewed 29,600 Continuous Evaluation alerts and 42,409 incident reports

–          Adjudicated 1,025,005 investigations (all Tiers) for credentialing, suitability, fitness, and national security

The DOD CAF has really turned a lot of focus on giving adjudicators the training and experience needed to achieve professional certifications. New hires start out in developmental divisions (1 and 2) and as they gain experience move over to full performance adjudicative divisions (3 through 5). The DOD CAF accomplishments are impressive when taking into consideration all of this work was completed by a staff of around 650 employees. Go here to read the entire report.