DSS Upgrades Website for Information on Clearance Processing

The Defense Security Service (DSS) has upgraded the look and functionality of their website in order to provide the Industrial Security industry with better information and easier to use tools related to security clearances and access to classified information. DSS’s Vetting Risk Operations Center (VROC) is responsible for aligning processes across the Trusted Workforce enterprise, transforming and modernizing the business model and vetting methodologies, and providing oversight and guidance to stakeholders. The VROC web page provides an overview of the security clearance process for applicants, as well as information on periodic reinvestigations, eligibility determination and clearance status terminology, and other current news items.
The VROC Frequently Asked Questions and the Common (PCL) Knowledge Center Inquiries pages provide answers to common questions and should be the first place DoD security clearance applicants should go if they have questions. Just as a reminder, this site is targeted towards DoD personnel and contractors. Those undergoing the process for other Federal agencies should refer to their agency specific processes or contact their security representative or Facility Security Officer for information.
Both ClearanceJobs and ClearanceJobsBlog have a wealth of information about security clearances, appeals, do’s and don’ts, and general advice. However, just remember they are not the authoritative source regarding information for security clearance applicants or current clearance holders. Applicants and clearance holders should look at the National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM), Presidential Executive Orders, ODNI Security Executive Agent Directives, and DoD Personnel Security Instructions to find specific and authoritative guidance.
Wow! It’s almost like its the 21st Century!