Clearance Applicant Overcomes Failure to File Taxes for Multiple Years in Appeal
A recent Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals case involved a DOE contractor who had failed to file his federal and state tax returns from 2017 to 2022. He was initially denied security clearance eligibility based on financial concerns and subsequently appealed the decision. Here are the highlights of
Interviewing Witnesses at a Security Clearance Denial Appeal Hearing
During a security clearance denial appeal hearing the applicant is allowed to question witnesses, both their own and the Department counsel’s. Prehearing guidance will be provided regarding procedures. The Administrative Judge does not swear in applicants or other witnesses but does remind all parties of the fact it is a criminal offense
Clearance Revoked for Uploading 187K Sexually Explicit Images to Government Network
In one of the more unusual Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals cases, a DOE contractor had his clearance eligibility revoked due to concerns about psychological conditions and misuse of information technology. The contractor subsequently appealed – below are the highlights of the case. The contractor had
A Rare Appeals Case Involving Unexplained Affluence
Most cases that result in a security clearance denial under the financial considerations involve delinquent debt or taxes. But concerns under financial considerations can also be caused by an unexplained influx of money. Once such case recently popped up in an appeal to the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals. Here are