Posts Tagged

financial issues

Security Clearance Denial

The financial section questions on the SF-86 are very clear, yet applicants still choose to ignore or not disclose all of their delinquent debts – even when they know they will probably come to light.

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It’s rare that decisions made by DOHA judges are overturned, but this is exactly what happened when a man’s clearance was revoked due to $121,000 in delinquent debt.

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Much ado is made about credit reports and how they are used in background investigations. Many misnomers are being perpetuated out there, so here is a quick and easy guide as to what information an adjudicator is looking for on a credit report and what may generate a flag or

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Security Clearance Process

The government shutdown will surely affect many clearance holders and their ability to pay credit card bills, mortgages, or car loans. As we have noted this year and in years past, financial issues remain the top issue for clearance denials and revocations. Life events happen and the circumstances are taken

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