Personal Conduct
Job Abandonment and Clearance Eligibility
Employees who have a history of quitting or walking off the job without notice may find obtaining security clearance eligibility a challenge. Why? Because it shows the employee is unreliable, has poor judgment, and is not trustworthy, all elements in the adjudicative guidelines under personal conduct. A recent Department of Energy
Surreptitiously Videoing Men in Locker Room Sinks Clearance Eligibility
Occasionally I run across news stories about men getting caught secretly recording women under their dresses while in changing rooms or bathrooms. In an unusual twist, I found a Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals case where the clearance applicant was caught recording other men with his
Former USIS Background Investigator Denied Clearance Eligibility
Back in 2014, the US Investigations Services LLC (USIS) was the largest provider of personnel security investigations to the U.S. Government. That was until a whistleblower reported they were improperly submitting investigations to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) without first performing a required review of the cases, a practice known
Embellished Excuses for Self-Inflicted Wounds Land Clearance Holder in Hot Water
Every once in a while, I run across a security clearance appeals casewhere I ask myself did this really happen? There are some people outthere with mental disorders that impact their ability to thinkstraight when under stress, causing bizarre or abnormal behavior. Ifound a recent Department of Energy security clearance