Posts Tagged

SF86 Application

Security Clearance Process

Word on the street (because it is nowhere to be found online) among security professionals is that the Suitability and Security Clearance Performance Accountability Council has approved and targeted the deployment of the updated Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) for some time in July 2017, provided all parties involved

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Security Clearance Process

I ran across this Office of Inspector General case regarding a Department of Interior employee who was able to lie and cajole his way into getting appointed to multiple positions with the DoD and other Federal agencies over the course of 21 years. His positions included stints with: U.S. Army;

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Security Clearance Denial

We all know PTSD is a serious concern for our returning Warfighters and veterans. Some common symptoms associated with PTSD are nightmares, increased anxiety, difficulty remembering or concentrating, mood swings, and reliving traumatic events. PTSD in and of itself is not a disqualifier for eligibility to hold a security clearance

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As all clearance’s holder’s should know from their initial security briefing, before engaging in outside employment you need to get approval from your security officer or federal agency before starting to ensure the activity is deemed suitable and there is no conflict of interest with what you do regarding your

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