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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

The number of security clearance denials for sexual behavior doubled from last year according to analysis of the top reasons for a denial. Three recent DOHA appeals cases jumped out at me because they involved solicitation of prostitutes or paying for sexual services. This has always been a source danger

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Security Clearance Process

The government shutdown will surely affect many clearance holders and their ability to pay credit card bills, mortgages, or car loans. As we have noted this year and in years past, financial issues remain the top issue for clearance denials and revocations. Life events happen and the circumstances are taken

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

As we all know, one of the adjudicative guidelines that could disqualify a person from being granted eligibility for a security clearance is Guideline C:…
Obtaining Security Clearance

The long road that known as the security clearance process is almost at the end. You have overcome all of the hurdles involved, from getting…
Security Clearance Denial

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Hearing and Appeals, much like its counterpart within the DoD (DOHA), hears appeals for those denied eligibility for…